Ele App: A Gen Ai Case For Personalised Insights

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Unveiling EVO AI (ELE)

A Case Study on AI-Driven Productivity and Personalized Insights

EVO AI (ELE) is a comprehensive iOS app designed to enhance personal productivity and self-awareness through a unique blend of generative AI-driven features and personalized insights. The app is structured around several key modules, each serving a distinct purpose in the user’s journey towards personal growth and efficiency. This case study explores the development and implementation of EVO AI, focusing on innovative use of generative AI, particularly with ChatGPT 4, and the integration of personalized insights based on user behavior and preferences.

Problem Statement

For individuals with ADHD or neurodivergent traits, managing daily tasks and maintaining overall well-being can be challenging. Traditional planners often fall short in addressing the unique needs and struggles of this demographic. The users face several challenges in planning day-to-day tasks:

Manual Effort

Traditional planners demand significant manual effort from individuals with ADHD or neurodivergent traits, leading to feelings of overwhelm and inadequacy as they struggle to manage daily tasks while prioritizing mental well-being.

Resource Intensiveness

Current systems lack the flexibility and adaptability needed to cater to diverse cognitive styles and mental health considerations, resulting in a drain on resources as users expend time and energy trying to navigate their daily lives.

Risk of Errors & Inconsistencies

Relying on traditional methods increases the risk of errors and inconsistencies in task management, exacerbating feelings of stress and frustration among individuals already grappling with mental health challenges.

Solution Overview

Recognizing the need for a more effective approach, we created Daily Planner for Mental Health—a personalized generative AI guide tailored for individuals with ADHD or neurodivergent traits. This innovative solution harmonizes day-to-day tasks with mental well-being, prioritizing users’ overall health over task completion. Integrating generative AI, specifically ChatGPT 4, into the app was essential to ensure engaging and relevant interactions. Through extensive testing and refinement of the AI’s training data, we fine-tuned its capabilities to deliver personalized and meaningful responses, empowering users to achieve a more productive and balanced life.

Integration process

Custom Task Generation with ChatGPT

The integration process involves creating a custom prompt with user data, feeding it to ChatGPT to generate personalized tasks, and presenting these tasks to users in an organized format. Users can then review, edit, and prioritize tasks as needed.

Define Custom Prompt

  • Develop a structured format for the custom prompt, ensuring it contains all necessary information for ChatGPT to generate relevant tasks.
  • Incorporate user input and preferences into the prompt generation process to ensure personalized task recommendations.

Pass Custom Data to the Prompt

  • Extract user-specific data from the app’s database.
  • Serialize it into a format compatible with the custom prompt structure.

Utilize Prompt with ChatGPT

  • Feed the prompt generated in the previous step to ChatGPT for task generation.
  • Leverage ChatGPT’s pre-trained generative capabilities to understand the context of the prompt and generate day-to-day tasks based on user preferences and current needs.
  • Implement mechanisms to ensure that tasks generated by ChatGPT align with the user’s schedule, workload, and overall well-being.

Generate Day-to-Day Tasks for Users

  • Present the generated day-to-day tasks to the user in a clear and organized format within the app interface.
  • Provide options for users to review, edit, or prioritize tasks as needed, allowing for customization and flexibility in task management.

Implementation Details

Task Generation Integration

This section covers data preparation, seamless deployment in EVO AI, and user control over tasks. ChatGPT’s pre-trained model simplifies integration, while a truncation mechanism prioritizes key data to optimize task generation within a 2000-word limit.

Data Preparation

  • Extract user-specific information from the database and convert the structured user data into a serialized format compatible with the custom prompt available in the app.

Model Training

  • ChatGPT uses its pre-trained generative AI capabilities, eliminating the need for additional training datasets and accelerating the integration process.

Deployment Strategy

  • The integrated system is seamlessly deployed within EVO AI’s existing infrastructure, ensuring compatibility and minimal disruption to the app’s operations.

User Control & Authority

  • Users can edit, delete, or prioritize tasks generated by ChatGPT through the app interface.
  • Authentication mechanisms ensure that only authorized users have access to task management features and data.

Limitations to Prevent Overload

  • To prevent overload and ensure efficient task generation within the 2000-word limit, user data is combined to create prompts for ChatGPT. Exceeding this limit triggers a truncation mechanism, prioritizing critical and recent user data to optimize task generation accuracy. Continuous monitoring and user feedback further refine prompt generation, ensuring relevance while staying within the word count limit.


Revolutionizing Growth with Generative AI in EVO AI

EVO AI represents a significant advancement in personal productivity and self-awareness apps, leveraging generative AI to provide personalized insights and interactions. The app’s focus on user experience personalization and seamless integration with existing digital tools sets it apart in the crowded app market.


As the app continues to evolve, it will likely continue to innovate in these areas, offering users a unique and valuable tool for personal growth and productivity.

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