Top 5 software outsourcing challenges:
Outsourcing software development is a common practice and its benefits such as ease of marketing the product, accessing top talent, cost reduction, etc. are frequently talked about. However, it can be a nightmare if you do not work closely with your remote team. We will discuss the unexpected challenges of outsourcing software development and how you can overcome them.
#Challenge 1 – Not preparing a clear project scope:
A project scope talks about the end deliverables. If you are not specific about what you want from the end product, you will face complications in the development process. Your conversations with your remote team can heat up regarding the deadlines and fees. If you plan not to swerve from the project’s purpose, share an clear scope with the outsourcing team.
#Challenge 2 – Lacking consistent communication:
Without consistent communication, your outsourcing team may start to slack. While all interactions need not be formal, a project owner wants to ensure that the team stays productive. Brief yet frequent check-ins can help you monitor any project issues on time. Also, you can discuss potential improvements in your daily stand-up. It will help you refrain from development failures.
#Challenge 3 – Not having a cross-functional team:
Most organizations work in silos and different teams interact only on rare occasions. Less interaction leads to time-consuming knowledge transfer across teams and can reduce productivity. Instead, everyone involved in software development must form a cross-functional team and interact regularly. Such interactions will prioritize tasks for everyone, and achieving goals would be easier.
#Challenge 4 – Micromanaging the development team
Companies that give overly strict specifications and micromanage prohibit developers from using their best judgment. It affects the product quality as developers may refrain from experimenting with new ideas. Developers must get space to pursue their ideas. It helps them give an edge to your project and develop better when you don’t take minute coding decisions. You can focus on the development progress and analyze the key tasks.
#Challenge 5 – Privacy concerns
When outsourcing software development, you share highly-sensitive data with the outsourcing firm. To keep the data protected the remote team must adhere to DevSecOps best practices. Of course, signing a Non-Disclosure Agreement ensures confidentiality, but the outsourcing firm must also confirm the use of the latest technological tools to avoid any cloud misconfigurations.
At the end of the day, challenges are similar across all industries when outsourcing software development. However, the roadblocks can be balanced out by taking the right decisions before and during the development process. Industries need to adopt new ways of working to leverage the benefits of software development outsourcing.
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