React Native Vs Native App
React Native Vs Native App

React Native Vs Native App

App Development comparative analysis by Nickelfox Technologies
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Planning for an app development today requires a very strategic decision making- simply because of the current tradeoff between Native and React Native app development style.

In the midst of this confusion, recently we have received many questions related to React Native vs. Native app development from our clients and prospects. We found that many of our clients seek some genuine comparisons between the two platforms. So here we are with a comparative analysis that will answer all the questions you might have. For more information, consultation, and open discussion with our experts, let’s connect.

React Native vs Native App-which one to go for?

Mobile applications have been traditionally written in Native languages like Java or Kotlin for Android, and Swift or Objective-C for Apple. However, the rise of React Native popularity amongst popular apps like Facebook, Skype, ClubHouse, Instagram, Pinterest, Uber, SoundCloud (being partially or completely written/rewritten in React Native), have made companies pre-decide which option would better suit their unique requirement and business goals.

Let’s have a brief look at the major difference between React Native vs Native App Development for different business requirements and goals. This quick comparison sheet will help companies take quick decisions:

Features Comparison of React Native vs Native App Development
Both the approaches are famous and beneficial for businesses. Before coming to any conclusion we must understand the characteristics of each for taking better business decisions:

Advantages of investing in Native Apps:

  • High Performance: Native apps are better in performance when compared to cross functional applications. Full native excels when trying to create complex UI & Animation. It is better suited for resource-intensive apps such as 3D/AR/VR technology, as well as data or animation-heavy applications.
  • Device Integration: Native gives more power to the developer to develop any kind of complex product using the core capabilities of the device like: hardware, SDKs, sensors and platform-specific features.
  • Quick access to new features: Developers can quickly get to use the new features launched by platforms like Android and iOS, even before they are launched publicly.
  • Suitable for all Kinds of businesses: Since it has the capability to build most complex products/software, it is very much suitable for start-up/small to medium to large size companies.

Disadvantages of Full Native App Development:

The downsides of Full Native can be summed up in one word: Scope. If you are targeting both the platforms- Android and iOS, you will have to do most things twice like: Two development teams, two timelines, two codebases, separate testing for both and separate deployment pipelines. There will be double work, two streams will need to be kept in sync, requiring additional oversight and planning. New features and changes have to be coordinated and timed together, and the problems will quickly arise if one side falls behind or diverges from the other. A highly efficient set of processes is required to keep activities up and running smoothly. This means that more time, effort, and money must be expended when compared to React Native.

Advantages of investing in React Native Development:

  • Performs Cross-Platform: React Native runs on both Android and iOS, allowing you to target both platforms from the output of a single development team and codebase. Here planning of logistics, team management, performance tracking etc. are easy when compared to full native app development.
  • Incorporate Native Modules: At the time of development there are cases when to help address performance issues or to support platform-specific functionality, native modules can be used as a supplement to React Native app. Working with react native, developer can utilize the best of both worlds.
  • Hot Reloading: React Native comes with the feature of Hot Reloading using which any mobile app development company can make changes and view the changes they are making to the app in real time on their screens without requiring a restart.
  • Open Source: React Native, being open source has the benefit of easy inspection of the code.
  • Code Reusability: In React Native app development instead of creating separate apps for iOS and Android platforms, the developer simply has to reuse 90% of the code. Makes the development process faster.

Disadvantages of React Native Development:

  • Performance: React Native is not the best choice for the development of all types of applications with high-performance requirements – specifically those with graphically intensive or data-heavy workloads.
  • Low Security: React Native is an open source JavaScript library, because of which developers often face the challenge of keeping the app secure. Therefore, it is not suitable for apps that need extra layers of security, such as banking applications.
  • Complex UI: React Native is not suitable for applications that need complex gestures, screen transitions and animations.Now let’s compare which option (React Native or Native app development style) suits your business:

When to choose Native App Development?

  • If you need to make an app for an individual platform-iOS-only or Android only.
  • If you need to make a highly complex app which utilizes a large portion of platform-specific code like, video/image editing, image/video handling,Phone camera, video/audio call, Messenger functionality etc.
  • If you have a plan to launch regular updates.
  • If you plan to maintain the app for a long period of time.
  • If you are more focused on the native user experience.
  • If your app needs to support new mobile OS features as soon as they are released.
  • If you are building an IoT-based mobile application.


When to choose React Native App Development?

  • If you have a small team.
  • If you have limited time and resources.
  • If you want to launch an app on cross-platforms.
  • If you are building a simple and uniform app.
  • If you want to take advantage of fast build time, and features such as hot reloading and live reloading.
  • If you want to enter the market at the earliest.
  • If your developers have a strong React / Web development background.
  • If you are planning to use Facebook ads into your app.
  • If you are developing an e-Commerce app. (but depends on brand and competition).

Understanding React Native and Native Application Architecture:

Mobile applications have been traditionally written in Native languages like Java or Kotlin for Android, and Swift or Objective-C for Apple. However, the rise of React Native popularity amongst popular apps like Facebook, Skype, ClubHouse, Instagram, Pinterest, Uber, SoundCloud (being partially or completely written/rewritten in React Native), have made companies pre-decide which option would better suit their unique requirement and business goals.

Understanding React Native and Native Application Architecture:

On the other hand, native apps are amazingly fast and responsive as they are built for that specific platform (iOS/Android platforms) and are compiled using platforms’ core programming language(Swift, Java, Kotlin) and APIs. Resulting in improving the app’s performance. The device stores the app which allows the software to leverage it’s processing speed. As users navigate through a native mobile app, the contents and visual elements are already stored on their phone which means load timing is quick


With our experience of working with 35+ industries, we have found out that both have their own pros and cons. Therefore, this discussion is totally dependent on only one factor i.e. “Business Specific Needs”. Users, goals and budget of every business is different from another, Hence each business requirement must be taken into account before making a choice of Mobile App Development approach.

Our experts can help you decide the best Mobile App Development approach for your business. Connect with our experts to consult on any further queries you might have.